Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why Do I Get Headaches When I Urinate???

How to install GTA Vice City MOD. (Step by Step) 2

Hello bloggers today teach them how to install the starman mod to gta vice city:

this is a video I uploaded to youtube and I hope you like salu2!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dothan Alabama Homes For Sale

Venezuela comes amanzing place in the Latin American race!

is certainly a great triumph for Venezuela to reach the final of this race latinoamerica.Me mean the largest production Discovery Channel in collaboration with a small study of Disnney Channel (which had nothing to do there, thank God Xd) where more than 10 equipped cubicles throughout Latin America competed in the amount of 250 thousand dollars where the talent of David and Daniel managed to keep in top.

They could reach 2 times of 1 place in the many stops (where viewers end of the chapter lol) and yesterday they did in the final had to fiddle with two strong rivals such as the Chilean (Fran and Fern) and Argentines (who desert and I was the wave and I do not remember what they called-and that it was yesterday XD-)

David and Daniel

had to face many challenges but managed to get a 2 in this great journey so winning praise coming from 3 Argentine and Chilean women ..... sure why the creators name Miki Maus (I think I wrote bad XD) believe that this was a simple programucho! I invite you to see on youtube a video of The Race Amanzing safe Chaneel In Dicovery change his mind.

Congratulations, Venezuela has always been one of the countries most acclaimed by many things (do not confuse me XD) and now there is another reason why admire.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Marine Battery Charger Schematic

Google just officially launch the system extensions for Chrome.

Hello friends bloggers is to leave them for very good weather info but were only 9 days XDDD.

Although officially launch a channel extensions in May Google has today placed the complement system for its Chrome browser and opened the gallery more than 300 extensions. Extensions is one of the tools applied by the Internet, through which the browser can provide extra features to make the most performance.

Erik and Aaron Kay Boodman, software engineers, operating system ensured that the system is a tribute to the Mozilla Firefox browser and explained that the new addition is easy to use, stable, safe and not slow down Chrome. The system, which is in testing, is available for both Windows and Linux, so Mac users will have to wait for now.

From Google say create extensions is as easy as creating web pages and multiprocessor architecture of Chrome is used to maintain stable extensions. You can access the gallery from here, among some of the extensions are Google Mail Checker , used to show number of unread messages in inbox Google Mail or Google Reader , The Milk , Facebook Adblock , Gmail, Google Translator , Twitter, etc..

Official Link.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sidekick Water Damage Indicator

As put the new look to Google.

Well as you know you commented entries ago that Google was going to be re-designed and therefore already had found a trick renovated to enjoy the silly reasons google but I could not enjoy but already it how.

Well go to the official website of google : as we put our country page at the following address as follows, google.com / ncr

Then put this code in the address bar : not in the browser, not in Word but in the address bar .... javascript: void (document.cookie = "PREF = ID = 20b6e4c2f44943bb: U = 4bf292d46faad806: TM = 1249677602: LM = 1257919388: S = odm0Ys-53ZueXfZG; path = /; domain =. google.com"); then press Enter.

Now open a new tab / window and do the following: reopens, google.com / ncr

If it does not work delete cookies from google : go to tools and options in Firefox browser for example is a part where we can see cookies one by one, if not then delete them all at once and try again.

I hope you liked the tutorial, salu2!

Monday, November 30, 2009

How Do Get A Mustang In Gta Lcs

Microsoft made public the 10 most popular searches Bing! Official Video Game

As you know since the products MSN was re-named as "windows live" the old "MSN search" became "live search" and then Bing! and good a compraracion with already king of kings google would otherwise so what comes this entry is that Microsoft unveiled the 10 most popular searches:

What do you ask what? Well here I go!

1: "Michael Jackson.
3: "The Influenza A.
4 "stock market.
5: Farrah Fawcett-
6:-Patrick Sways
7: "Cash for clunkers.
8: "Jon and Kate Gosselin.
9: "Billy Mays.
10: "Jaycee Dugard.


pd: viva Mj!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Novelty Ids In Niagra Falls


I've made with animoto and good not wait to upload it to youtube ... so enjoy it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Best Mascara Lash Extender

Google will have a new interface.

Hello blogger friends, you might already knew that within some google will change and good design I have brought one of the few but very impressive images where we can see that the letters making up the name of the firm now has a much flatter with some brighter colors and buttons now a deep blue . Another change is that now a menu on the left side where you can select if you want the results of webs, pictures, videos, blogs, news, forums, books, maps, etc.. Here


There is a trick available from now to see this new "look" but I do not work (I use operates ) here it is:

see page American Google and do the following steps:
  • Once loaded the web copy this code in the browser address field (without any http: / / google.com before him): javascript: void (document.cookie = "PREF = ID = 20b6e4c2f44943bb: U = 4bf292d46faad806: TM = 1249677602: LM = 1257919388: S = odm0Ys-53ZueXfZG; path = /; domain =. google.com ");
  • After that press intro and refresh the page to see the new interface. Salu2
Well everyone!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Little Pet Shop Online 16 Digit

tricks I use to connect to Ares.

Well this problem is known and although the latest version (2.1.5) has no such problems when connecting to the network once I had it and that is a reason for this post.

In internet there are thousands of tricks and there are many that I wanted to post here, but on this occasion I tell my tricks.

Set Windows Firewall: After the installation program for windows firewall may notify us that you ares block connections to the Internet for it to avoid it to deny this option depending on your firewall or add it as an exception to this

Be careful with your anti-spyware or anti-virus: If by chance your antivirus or antispyware have firewall or real-time shields the correct setup is vital for the proper functioning of the ares.

Change the folder where you saved the downloads: default is saved in a folder on your local doctor called C: My share folder . Well to change the folder just go to control panel (in ares) and go to the tab "downloads."

Uninstall Ares and again install change the installation path: Uninstall Ares and re-install but this time when the wizard asks you to enter the installation path is "local disk c-ares.

Deletes incomplete files: This means that any file which you download is canceled wiping the hard drive or rather of the folder where you saved the downloads ares.

Other possible solutions: If you still can not make your ares reconnect to another possible solution is to turn (if you have turned off) or off (if you have selected) the option that has to connect automatically when you start the program. Also remember to always update the program and make sure you've downloaded from the website last oficial.Por another possible solution is to close some applications when you open it.

Many thanks for watching, hope you serve ....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sample Cover Letter Car Sales Manager

Google Chrome already supports third-party extensions.

muyinternet.com just published in this article:

Like happened to Firefox in its day now Google Chrome is ready to receive third-party extensions developers or companies outside the company, which is a big step for the browser, which so far had only developed extensions "Home."

Currently only a handful of people can upload their extension to the gallery, in order that they can test its operation before its launch in beta, after that will be used by the general public. According to the company all types of extensions in the gallery are welcome, provided they comply with the Terms of Service.

The process to include an extension in the gallery is quite simple. You only have to have created a Google account, compressed into a zip file of your extension code along with the icon to identify it and upload all to the gallery. You will also have the option of entering text, screenshots and even a YouTube video that helps describe the features of your extension.

For most extensions, the review process will be fully automated. Only extensions manually reviewed to include a component NPAPI and all content scripts that affect file: / / "URL. For security reasons, the developers of these extensions will provide additional information before they can post in the gallery. Official Links

: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/