Thursday, November 26, 2009

Best Mascara Lash Extender

Google will have a new interface.

Hello blogger friends, you might already knew that within some google will change and good design I have brought one of the few but very impressive images where we can see that the letters making up the name of the firm now has a much flatter with some brighter colors and buttons now a deep blue . Another change is that now a menu on the left side where you can select if you want the results of webs, pictures, videos, blogs, news, forums, books, maps, etc.. Here


There is a trick available from now to see this new "look" but I do not work (I use operates ) here it is:

see page American Google and do the following steps:
  • Once loaded the web copy this code in the browser address field (without any http: / / before him): javascript: void (document.cookie = "PREF = ID = 20b6e4c2f44943bb: U = 4bf292d46faad806: TM = 1249677602: LM = 1257919388: S = odm0Ys-53ZueXfZG; path = /; domain =. ");
  • After that press intro and refresh the page to see the new interface. Salu2
Well everyone!


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