Sunday, January 24, 2010

Studio City Baby Shower Venues

They get users to hack the PS3 after 3 years of trying!! Starman

A hacker manages to hack the PS3 after 3 years of failed attempts.

Everyone knows that most consoles have come on the market have been hijacked in order to launch your downloaded games and avoid having to pay for the original. Hacking the PS3 has not been possible until now because the security system that includes Sony's console is safer than it had been built so far.

George Hotz, better known as GeoHot, has managed to hack or hack the PlayStation 3 after 3 years trying to find some flaw in the Sony console, and what it says on his blog, and he has.

GeoHot is a well-known hacker in the world because it was the first to hack the Apple iPhone, that is, to make the famous jalibreak.

Sony has spent a lot of money and resources into making a good security system so that nobody could hack the PS3, so this news is not going to make any grace to the directors of the company.

Personal Message.

Well this also read where users 3djuegos HBAL prohibit these issues ... but here in Venezuela is not unusual to talk about trout juesgos Pirati, if we talk about Sony and its PS3 console talk of many things that are unlinked after escuahr or read this articulo.Quizá some may take as a good start to buy their games for one low price .... for others may be re logical but annoying to think that a console like the PS3 already has the famous " chip. "

Anyway I've always thought that the high cost of games and the PS3 is icomprensible and all I can say PS3 is PS3 ...... but xDXdXdXdXdXdXdXd salu2;)


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